Wednesday, February 12, 2020

5 BIG Mistakes to Avoid When Replacing Your HVAC System

5 BIG Mistakes to Avoid When Replacing Your HVAC System

Columbia SC hvac DUMMY HVAC 2 300x200The time has come to replace your HVAC; where do you begin? How do you know you’re making the right choice?

Before you get too overwhelmed and start to despair, it’s important to know that not all heating and air conditioning equipment is made equal. Likewise, not all HVAC companies are equal. With this in mind, don’t rush into making a hasty decision about either.

The key to the successful purchasing and installing a new HVAC system is preparation and research. In this article, we’re discussing 5 big mistakes to avoid when replacing your HVAC system.

The 5 Biggest HVAC Buying Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

As Columbia SC HVAC specialists with years of industry experience, we’ve seen it all. And unfortunately, we’ve seen many homeowners make costly mistakes when it comes to their HVAC.

Your heating and cooling system is an important element in your home. After all, it’s the mechanism that helps you maintain a comfortable living climate. If your HVAC is on the fritz and needs to be replaced, read through these 5 common HVAC buying mistakes before you make any decisions:

1. Purchasing the Wrong Size HVAC Equipment

There’s a large number of homeowners out there who replaced their heating and air conditioning systems with the wrong size equipment. It’s an easy mistake to make if you don’t know what you’re doing, but the results can be scary. We’re talking about high utility bills, mold in your ductwork, damaged equipment, and inefficient climate control. You can avoid this detrimental mistake by ensuring you’re getting an accurate quote from an accredited and experienced contractor that knows how to properly determine your home’s physical characteristics to verify the proper size.

2. Taking the Bait on a “Big Discount” or Too-Good-to-be-True Offer

We can’t stress this enough, if you’re doing your due diligence and getting quotes from a variety of HVAC contractors in Columbia SC and one of them has an offer that feels like it’s too good to be true, it probably is! Unfortunately, there are some companies out there who cut corners by using second-rate equipment or inexperienced installers. When deciding which HVAC contractor to go with, always verify the equipment they recommend and ask for a step by step of how the installation will be completed.

3. Using a Heating and Air Conditioning Contractor that Doesn’t Feel Right

Similar to the last mistake, if you decide to hire a contractor that just didn’t sit right with you, you could be making a vital mistake! A recent study showed that 45% of homeowners feel uncomfortable with the contractors they invite into their home. Yikes! Make sure that you speak with enough contractors and find one that you feel comfortable and confident in before you decide to hire them. You’re inviting them inside your home, it’s important that you feel safe and at ease.

4. Not Choosing a Contractor With a Written Guarantee

When choosing a Columbia SC HVAC technician, be sure they stand behind their products and their work and offer a written guarantee. You want the kind of guarantee that’s a no-questions-asked, no-hassle situation that protects you and your family in the case of any unforeseen events. A good HVAC contractor will do what it takes to make sure that you’re 100% satisfied.

5. You Try to Install Your HVAC Yourself

If you’re trying to save yourself some money by installing your HVAC unit yourself, this could actually end up causing you more damage and more money than if you had just hired a professional HVAC contractor in the first place. This is not an area where homeowners should cut corners or try to save a few bucks.

So, What’s the Best Way to Avoid These Costly Mistakes?

Call On Call Plumbing Heating & Air, of course! We’re the Columbia SC HVAC contractors that the community relies on to provide honest, affordable, and premium quality services. Get in touch today for your FREE comprehensive in-home quote for service and avoid making costly HVAC replacement mistakes!

On Call Plumbing Heating & Air
3770 Fernandina Rd
Columbia, SC 29210


Is Store-Bought Drain Cleaner Ruining Your Drains?

Is Store-Bought Drain Cleaner Ruining Your Drains?

Columbia SC plumbers plumbing dummy 300x200Your drain is moving slower than normal, it’s gross and annoying so you stop by the store and grab a jug of your favorite drain cleaner. It’s such an easy and affordable solution to your clogged drain problem. These drain cleaners are specifically targeted at homeowners to help them quickly clear clogs, after all.

We’ve all done it, but is it really as good for your drain as it claims to be?

We hate to break it to you, but that store-bought drain cleaner you’re using is slowly ruining your entire plumbing system. Ask any professional plumber, and they’ll tell you that this is not a great solution for a number of reasons.

In this article, we’re talking about how these so-called “drain cleaning solutions” may not be solutions after all.

They’re Not a Complete Drain Cleaner

Here’s the deal, the chemicals that you’ll find inside liquid drain cleaners are typically only formulated to dissolve some, not all, common sources of drain clogs. For example, many of these cleaners are effective at dissolving hair—which is great because this is one of the most common causes of drain clogs.

But if your clog is caused by soap scum, grease, or grime, there’s a good chance that your chemical drain cleaner won’t be able to get the job done.

They Can Make Your Problem Worse

When the cause of your drain clog doesn’t respond to your store-bought drain cleaner, what happens is the cause of the clog simply slides further down into your plumbing. When this happens, the chances of you being able to clear the clog on your own without the help of a professional plumber get slimmer and slimmer. Once the clog moves far enough into your plumbing, professional tools will be required to break it up.

They Damage Your Pipes

Aside from the fact that they may not be effective at clearing your clog, there’s also the fact that chemical drain cleaners come with a whole host of other harmful side effects. For starters, these chemicals are extremely dangerous for humans and pets. If you were to get any on your hands or in your eyes, chemical burns and other irritations can result. It’s absolutely imperative that you keep these cleaners out the reach of children and pets.

Next, these cleaning chemicals can actually cause severe damage to the lining of your drain pipes. As professional Columbia SC plumbers who have seen firsthand what drain pipes look like when too many chemical cleaners are dumped down them, we can tell you that it’s not a situation you want to deal with. The result is having to replace your drain pipes well before you should be required to do so, and it’s not an easy or cheap project to complete.

Leave Your Clogged Drains to the Professionals

Although it seems easier and more convenient to just dump a gallon of store-bought drain cleaner down your drain the next time things start to back up, we hope that this article has made you think twice.

The bottom line is that if you want a long-term, effective solution for your clog that won’t cause any secondary damage, you need the help of a professional plumber like the ones at On Call Plumbing Heating & Air in Columbia SC.

On Call Plumbing Heating & Air
3770 Fernandina Rd
Columbia, SC 29210
